THinK 2x BeFore YoU dAte ...
a guy who
- scolds u for nothing/everything
- does not allow u to stay angry at him for long even its its really his fault
- when he is angry with u, he stays mad for a looooonng time
- gf basher
- scrouge that counts to the very last cents u owe him
- drinker who does not know his limits , throws up everywhere and u have to lug him home
- smoker - its as if its not bad enuff that he is dying early, he wants to drag u to the grave with him (secondary smoke kills)
- cheats on ya with.. his EX/ur BEST FREN/his BEST FREN/ur MOM!
- when u are willing to sort things, he pretends to have dual personality/needs psychiatric help
- has a very very bad BO (and probably insists its U!)
- expects u to mother him like a kid
- acts like the "big guy" around HIs friends (like he owns u or sumthing)
- do not love animals and kids
- has all these expectations of you ie cook, wash etc etc when he has nothing good to offer u
- shorter than u
- who makes constant stoopid jokes that no one understands
- who only thinks of SEX.. tsk tsk tsk ( and he's lousy at it.. nooooo nightmare!)
- has really really bad taste in dressing and determines wut u shud wear.. argh.. (like him!)
- insist that u dress like his mom
- with him there is no learning/ growing process for u, u just teach him
- a sissy, with a rather overdeveloped feminine sensitive side
- when confronted with a serious situation, he expects u to defend him
- does not appreaciate his own culture/origin
- who talks real loud and acts really crudely (like some big time chinese gangster)
- thinks he is prettier than u (nooo wut is wrong)
- demands that u leave ur family for him/his religion etc etc
- kills ur pets and gives them to u as a stuffed b day pressie.. ewww!!!that is sick!
- insists that u wear matching outfits every every single time u go out
- will never be friends if u ever breakup (its either lovers or nothing)
- hates ur family
- uses ur dog as a foot stool or a foot wipe/rug
- preaches to u like there IS NO TMRW!
- has really bad habits (diggin nose, smelling ur own underarms, wipes mouth on shirt)
- does not appreciate u for who u really are n makes u feel lower that u really are
- makes u pay for all the bills and subsequently his living expenses (a parasite)
- only wants to enjoy the privilegdes of a relationship but does not want any commitment
- more emotional and sensitive than u or your MOM
- does not change his clothes for days! -ewwwwww self inflicted BO
- has a very very low tolerance level
- super clingy clingy thing
beSt FrienDs
someone who...
- is always there for u, whether u see em or not
- knows how ur mind thinks.. and accepts it (reminding me to be myself always and tok crap with me as well hehe)
- tells u where u've gone wrong (like when i've fallen for the wrong ppl??)
- never fails to crack u up!
- understands when u leave suddenly without a word (stoopid wifi rite? forever la)
- tells u wut is best for u
- accompanies u to where ever u wanna go/do regardless if they like or not (DotA..haha)
- makes the most boring activities that u have to do worth going for (ie renewing id card)
- shares ur secrets as u share theirs (shhhhh and not blackmail u with it)
- knows when u are down, and comes to the rescue (when i dun feel like studying or just feel super sad, thanks the uplift thru many ways!)
- talkin to em, just makes u forget your worries or problems
- can help u plan ur evil schemes and have a great laugh at the end (stoopid woman who stole my dog wud be sneezing ever so often)
- inspires u in everything you do
- you can never get mad at for long (for the many times i let u down..sorrie)
- you can have long chats with regarding just about anything
- laugh at ur same lame jokes (almost every minum session last time regarding the similar teacher ahhaha u know who i mean!)
- sees everything beautiful in u despite the many flaws (esp when i lack self esteem and confidence, thanks..)
- thinks along ur line to get thru to u (like explaining all ur complicated words to a dummie like me)
- has the same wave length, same frequency
- sniggers with u in the cinema quietly regarding scenes that u find farnee
- never embarasses u, even if they do, its funny! (like yelling my name in the cinema wah liu!-james u nit)
- you can sit with quietly without saying a word and not feel weird or lost (many times when i stare into space thanks for bringing me bk to reality)
- loves the same sitcoms and just talking about em makes you laugh (too much friends and frasier dy)
- you just love to b*tch to? hehe just about anything that happens in your days (haha darren and his 'farnee' neighbour and pharmacy guy)
- tolerates ur pet peves and understands ur fear (james and i share the same shark fear!)
- sends u long personal email almost everyday to remind u that they are alive (thanks james)
- makes 3d stuff / cartoons that is suitable for every occassion (darren u're the best!)
- teaches u chemistry (dread it) patiently with sound effects to make it more interesting (darren this one's for u)
- gives the best genuine hugs - without ahem weird intentions
- you've been friends like for .. AGES!!!!!!
special thanks to
darren and
james who have been my
guy best friends for ages! and my gurlie gurlie best friends, you know who u are!love you guys for being just u and let me be me! i cannot imagine life never knowing you guys.. i feel like i've known you forever.
You Know its a NightMaRe when....
- you wake up sweating
- thanking god its just a dream
- your heart's pounding away like a time bomb
- u feel all hazy and wanting to snooze again to dream of a better dream?
my my there are a few nightmares i'd love to rid myself of, but sadly it just stays and rather too clearly as well! (wish i cud have used that memory space for my studies!)here read bout it and tell me wut U think..
1. this one is the most vivid and horrifyingly looks most logical. the setting was at my house, i was downstairs, there was a storm and things seem to be falling apart, trees, pillars, and my dogs were stuck outside, they seem to be barking at something horrifying. When i turn and saw it, it was a huge ghastly floating head and body!smirking and bloodied at the places where his limbs were missing, and from his gaping lips, i can see his rotting teeth smeared with grim and blood. at that unfortunate instance it saw me, and i began hiding behind walls and pillars but it seems like it could sense me, sense my fear and started for me! to my room i ran and somehow hid on my bed, shaking and trembling. as i turned my head, the orbing figure floated from below and stared at me directly from my window! aaaaaa i woke up praying.. and in the similar position that i was in the dream!gosh..
2. it was a family vacation at a mansion, as we were all sitting by the pool, (i'll just skip the illogical beginning) and i dropped my glasses into the pool. As i was just about to climb down the steps leading into the pool, i saw a dark fin approaching so i hurriedly scrambled up asap,, mannn i hate sharks to the max! ppl who know me will definitely know that. and there was this lifeguard who offered to retrieve it for me despite my pleas not to. So down the ladder he climbed and miraculously scooped the specs up, as he was ascending the tiny steps, the dark fin appeared and in flick of a second he was pulled down, a blood curling scream penetrated the serene surroundings. the calm blue colour of the pool is now replaced by a sickening hue of red. as the blood curling scream rings in my ears i saw the man scrambing trying in vain to climb out only to be dragged in again. A string of intestines lashed out and coiled itself around the nearest statue, in a desperate attempt to pull the lifeguard out. The screams just grew louder and louder as the intestines wind tighter and tighter.(i can almost see the air bubbles in certain parts of the entrails)suddenly.. there was silence, the intestines were lax and blood dripped from it slowly trailing down the statue. AAAAAA i forced myself to wake up and there i was rolling about on my bed, with a deep feeling of gratitude that it was only a bad bad dream
3. (i'll go straight to the crazee part) the car i was travelling in broke down, hence my friends and i decided to rent a car/taxi. we came across a line of rather run down stalls where we could actually rent a vehicle. before entering i noticed a drifter who stared at us with his seedy eyes but ignored him and entered the first stall,after paying the guy a sum of cash, we left to proceed to the nearest rental car only to be stopped by the drifter who wielded a pen knife dangerously at us. so we all backed into a toilet and hid there for a while hoping that the drifter will leave. creeping to the door, we peered out from a slit and saw ppl dancing in a circle, holding hands and hence we decided to go out one by one to join in the dance hoping that the drifter will not recognize us. 2 friends left and joined the "ring dance", i was the 3rd. Scurrying out, i ran towads my friends and held her hand and waited for the 4th friend. a dark hand grasped my hand and i gasped with horror as it was just a hand! no body, no figure nothing!my 4th friend took and dash and ran to hold my hand, or rather the dark hand. both of us were struggling to hold each others hands but the dark hand just kept holding us, darn gross!!! finally the dance came to an end and i looked at my palm, which was now inscribed (burnt onto my hands) with symbols and words i do not comprehend.. my fren however was frantically shaking her hands and when i looked carefully, there the dark hand was, pinned tightly to her hands by 3 big nails that went thru and thru!! mannnn i was freaked beyond my wits and begged it to be all a dream...
DaRE to dREam- slip into the mind of eE-Min
As we slip into a world of unconsciousness, our brain shuts down to rest. The mind is now free of our normal control and this is when dreams go hay wire and almost illogical. however, i feel dreams seem to represent what we subconsciously desire. This does not necessary includes ALL dreams and nightmares.
To identify these dreams and ur inner desire, its actually pretty easy, for these are the few dreams that seem to repeat and when u ask yourself truthfully, u will realise that u do hope for certain things to happen. Honestly it has happened to me before, i once had a teeny crush who suddenly decided to stop talking to me one day, at first i have to admit that it did hurt. After a while i begin to move on with life but really slowly. This is when the dreams start occur, it has happened about 4-5 times. In these dreams set in various illogical settings, this particular crush would walk up to me and we would start talking. It was after the 4th time did i ask myself, what do i really want, and lo behold, after a much thought, i had the answer. There is nothing more that i want but a friendship with this remarkable person. To cut the story short, i finally spoke to him and it wasn't really that bad, i no longer have a crush but a friend! and the dreams stopped.....(thank goodness)
Of course in this complex little brain of mine which i simply can't control, there are still many recurrent dreams but at least now, as i speak there is already one less!!
dreams seem to be a way your inner side is calling to u and it actually helps you know urself better. If u seem to be thinking/engaging in a particular activity to frequently, it will surely appear in your dreams and its up to u to do something about it. you actually know when u've fallen for a certain person, ok at least for me, this person seems to be appearin in my dreams quite frequently and in most of my dreams i would be yelling at myself "please do not let this be a dream" and i would disappointingly wake up. I now realise that i've a certain liking for a certain person if he
1. appears more than 5 times 2. seems to be the main character in my dreams 3 . makes me wish and hope it was not just a dream 4 . when he's in my dream, i don't wanna wake up 5. in my dreams he is the most adorable thing i've ever met ..... As much as i can't help it, i sometimes look forward to sleeping for only in my dreams can my dreams come true! so ppl... DARE TO DREAM!!
a meaningful poem to share...
a poem that i found,
i'd like to share,
about feelings that are profound,
but definitely hard to bear..
for those out there,
who are not a "pair",
to let u know that ppl care,
and that life can be unfair.........
to the
special someone in everyone's goes...
There's someone special in my life,
Who doesn't know i care,
I wish I could let him know it,
But let it show i wouldn't dare.
I don't want to even risk it,
I don't want to even try,
For if he knew I felt this way,
I'd feel insecure and shy.
I never thought I'd feel this way,
I never thought I'd care,
There' s something in that smile of his,
That makes me stop and stare.
How can i tell if he likes me,
Will he ever look my way,
I'll keep my feelings hidden for now,
And save them for another day...........
for those who feel this way,
you are not alone,
there will be a day,
where you will find your "one",
by your side he/she will stay.
so don't despair,
for one day when u dare,
that someone will care....
SuPEr MuPEr Non HUman PoWErs!!
yuppers when u have absolutely not much on your mind, u will suddenly realise that u have a lot of weird questions waiting to be answered.. and the weird question that popped up in my mind the other day was.. "if i had super powers, wut wud it be?" and the out of no where maybe from the sleepiest part of my brain i heard a teeny tiny voice say to me "how bout the ability to control people's sleep and dreams!?" sounds like nothing rite? hey hey let me prove to you why it can be a great asset, sure sure i know many would want super powers like superman, speeederman, the incredibles etc etc,, but have u heard of MISS SNOOZZE!?? now now, don't underestimate her powers yet, let me explain wut she can do hehehe
ok lets say.. a snatch theif comes along and grabs your purse..(picture that in slow movement like in the movies) time slows down, your eyes contact, you stare at that sleezy eyes, just for a split second. he sniggers, u sinically give him that smirk and then u blink..He freezes, as if stunned, he shuts his eyes and sleeps standing. You begin to control his dream, in his dream he runs and runs and runs and runs wut seems to be like a 100miles (not 8 miles) and escapes, but in real life he's just standing there, maybe drooling a bit, u swear u can almost see the z z z z escaping from his head hehe so now u retrieve your purse and u call the cops!and there you go one crime busted!
next next u meet a rapist, nope u don't need ur pepper spray, he jumps and attacks, u surprisingly do not resist much, he hisses at ur face "shut up" u stare at his beady evil eyes and smirk. He freezes! and he dreams.. (this time ya feel like being mean) my friend larry once told me about a fren of his who dreams about opening doors everynite, and after a number of doors he opens he gets his head cut off.. its darn scary actually, its like u wonder how many doors you have to open before u get ur head cut off, hehe u can spice things up a lil wit our rapist fren here,, he dreams that he opens doors,, every door a different one. he wonders wut is beyond that door, suddenly he opens "the"door and gets castrated aaaaaaaaaaa.. and he feels pain...ouch... and suddenly he's back to opening doors.. and the vicious cycle begins once more. Back in reality,he's snoozing alright, but not having the greatest dream of all! So u get up, tie him with a rope and call the cops ! 2nd crime busted
of course once u've handed these creeps back to the cops..u can release them from their dreams!
best thing about this super power, not many ppl will expose you, in fact no one!and no one gets physically hurt, no fighting, no sweat! no pain but a lot to gain! okok now lets talk bout bending the super powers to ur needs, lets say u have this crush and u don't get to meet him a lot, but when he sleeps at night, u can "send" him happy thoughts, day1, u guys get to know each other a lil, day2 maybe u guys go on a date, day3 ok u go on a date again this time to somewhere nice, romantic, paris or rome maybe? and u continue dating him etc etc so when he wakes up every morning.. he'd be wondering "am i infactuated with this gurl?"of course if u want a natural mutual feelings, u be urself in the dream, u actually get to know each other,eventually if its meant to be, u fall for each other!not too bad huh? once again no one gets hurt.. its onlya dreamm...zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz
MoVEe CraZEe - in the mood for lurve?
Here are a few of my personal favs -
When u are in the mood for lurrrvvee check out :
most of the love movies that i watch are not 100% sappy and involves a lot of laughter and suitable for relaxing as well. So for example i ain't a great fan of sappy slow movies like titanic (the only great part is the ending where the ship goes down, of course some guys wud disagree with me, and probably enjoy the steamy scenes by kate winslet, ya know wut i mean!)here are a few romantic comedy i enjoy and more down to earth
1. while u were sleeping
excellent performance by Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman who displays unspeakable fondness towards each other. Down to earth and packed with wittiness, this is certainly one interesting movie. Its not exactly a fairy tale movie where poor/stable maid gets the Prince. In this movie Sandra battles to choose between the man she has adored for a long time and the guy who mite just be the perfect match for her. Love the part where both parties realised they were perfect together and so desperately want to tell each other that they were meant to be.
2. you've got mail
remarkable revelation how 2 ppl who oppose each other (despite similarities) in all walks of life end up as best friends and eventually falling in love. The actors displayed utter pride and ego commonly experienced in our daily lives. A truly good movie for book lovers, hhehe considering the movie setting involves book stores!The conversation between main characters are both smart and mind boggling. the show beautifully unfolds and expresses the emotions experienced. Interesting play on human ego, and the risk each meg and tom decides to take.
3. two weeks notice
if u love hugh grant, u wud love this movie, cute n utterally clueless yups that's him! sandra mite not be the most perfect girl for the most eligible bachelor in town, but the movie portrays how even the most klutzy person can get a man suitable for herself. 2 thumbs for this movie, sure did make me laugh.
4. only you
beautiful scenery of europe, this is a story of a crazee woman who runs from her own wedding in search for her soul mate (unaware that its a prank by her older brother), marissa tomei travels around italy and bumps into robert downey jr. who seems fell in love and tries ways and means to BE this soul mate of hers. in this movie shows the distance each individual is willing to travel in search of the perfect one.
5. kate and leopold
ever imagined urself falling for a duke/erl?totally a movie for hopeless romantics,a tale of time travel and a true gentleman who touches the heart of a young hard hearted young woman. if u are looking for a purrfect gentleman,opens doors etc etc and treats u like gold then hugh jackman's ur man! think its hard to convince a hard hearted woman to fall for u?now try convincing her to drop her career and follow u back in time!
6. 50 first dates
A MUST WATCH! all thumbs up! beautiful hawaiian setting and there is just never a single dull moment. adam sandler displays enjoyable patience and sheer determinance to obtain the gurl that the loves. of course there are the sea creatures for animal lovers. A lot of witty conversations to stimulate ur mind! sooo watch and hear carefully!
Book ReView
AnCienT HistoRya lot of us probably really hated history classes during our schooling days, well if its boring, dun blame the history, just blame the "story teller Don't u ever wonder how do ppl live back then? and wut more interesting way can u find out but read about it in a history + fictional kinda way?
for crime book lovers, do check out Paul Doherty, who wrote the Anubis Slayings and The Slayers of Seth. Both books are novels set in Ancient Egypt (excelling at historical details).Follow in the exciting footsteps of the Lord Amerotke (the pharoah's cheif judge) as he strives to bring justice to the chaotic streets of Egypt.
Heard of the beautiful Nefertiti and the Pharoah Akenhaten (dad of Tut, the pharoah who died at the age of 19) hehe amazing how some names just fit together huh? An Evil Spirit Out of The West is the book of choice to read about these connections in a fictional way. Truly remarkable book, the book explains of how Akenhaten succeeded the throne and married one of ancient Egypt's most beautiful queen despite having marfan syndrome. In fact he overthrew the egyptian polytheism in favour of the worship of a single god, Aten.