DaRE to dREam- slip into the mind of eE-Min
As we slip into a world of unconsciousness, our brain shuts down to rest. The mind is now free of our normal control and this is when dreams go hay wire and almost illogical. however, i feel dreams seem to represent what we subconsciously desire. This does not necessary includes ALL dreams and nightmares.To identify these dreams and ur inner desire, its actually pretty easy, for these are the few dreams that seem to repeat and when u ask yourself truthfully, u will realise that u do hope for certain things to happen. Honestly it has happened to me before, i once had a teeny crush who suddenly decided to stop talking to me one day, at first i have to admit that it did hurt. After a while i begin to move on with life but really slowly. This is when the dreams start occur, it has happened about 4-5 times. In these dreams set in various illogical settings, this particular crush would walk up to me and we would start talking. It was after the 4th time did i ask myself, what do i really want, and lo behold, after a much thought, i had the answer. There is nothing more that i want but a friendship with this remarkable person. To cut the story short, i finally spoke to him and it wasn't really that bad, i no longer have a crush but a friend! and the dreams stopped.....(thank goodness)
Of course in this complex little brain of mine which i simply can't control, there are still many recurrent dreams but at least now, as i speak there is already one less!!
dreams seem to be a way your inner side is calling to u and it actually helps you know urself better. If u seem to be thinking/engaging in a particular activity to frequently, it will surely appear in your dreams and its up to u to do something about it. you actually know when u've fallen for a certain person, ok at least for me, this person seems to be appearin in my dreams quite frequently and in most of my dreams i would be yelling at myself "please do not let this be a dream" and i would disappointingly wake up. I now realise that i've a certain liking for a certain person if he 1. appears more than 5 times 2. seems to be the main character in my dreams 3 . makes me wish and hope it was not just a dream 4 . when he's in my dream, i don't wanna wake up 5. in my dreams he is the most adorable thing i've ever met ..... As much as i can't help it, i sometimes look forward to sleeping for only in my dreams can my dreams come true! so ppl... DARE TO DREAM!!
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