Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Book ReView

AnCienT HistoRy
a lot of us probably really hated history classes during our schooling days, well if its boring, dun blame the history, just blame the "story teller Don't u ever wonder how do ppl live back then? and wut more interesting way can u find out but read about it in a history + fictional kinda way?
for crime book lovers, do check out Paul Doherty, who wrote the Anubis Slayings and The Slayers of Seth. Both books are novels set in Ancient Egypt (excelling at historical details).Follow in the exciting footsteps of the Lord Amerotke (the pharoah's cheif judge) as he strives to bring justice to the chaotic streets of Egypt.

Heard of the beautiful Nefertiti and the Pharoah Akenhaten (dad of Tut, the pharoah who died at the age of 19) hehe amazing how some names just fit together huh? An Evil Spirit Out of The West is the book of choice to read about these connections in a fictional way. Truly remarkable book, the book explains of how Akenhaten succeeded the throne and married one of ancient Egypt's most beautiful queen despite having marfan syndrome. In fact he overthrew the egyptian polytheism in favour of the worship of a single god, Aten.


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