THinK 2x BeFore YoU dAte ...
a guy who
- scolds u for nothing/everything
- does not allow u to stay angry at him for long even its its really his fault
- when he is angry with u, he stays mad for a looooonng time
- gf basher
- scrouge that counts to the very last cents u owe him
- drinker who does not know his limits , throws up everywhere and u have to lug him home
- smoker - its as if its not bad enuff that he is dying early, he wants to drag u to the grave with him (secondary smoke kills)
- cheats on ya with.. his EX/ur BEST FREN/his BEST FREN/ur MOM!
- when u are willing to sort things, he pretends to have dual personality/needs psychiatric help
- has a very very bad BO (and probably insists its U!)
- expects u to mother him like a kid
- acts like the "big guy" around HIs friends (like he owns u or sumthing)
- do not love animals and kids
- has all these expectations of you ie cook, wash etc etc when he has nothing good to offer u
- shorter than u
- who makes constant stoopid jokes that no one understands
- who only thinks of SEX.. tsk tsk tsk ( and he's lousy at it.. nooooo nightmare!)
- has really really bad taste in dressing and determines wut u shud wear.. argh.. (like him!)
- insist that u dress like his mom
- with him there is no learning/ growing process for u, u just teach him
- a sissy, with a rather overdeveloped feminine sensitive side
- when confronted with a serious situation, he expects u to defend him
- does not appreaciate his own culture/origin
- who talks real loud and acts really crudely (like some big time chinese gangster)
- thinks he is prettier than u (nooo wut is wrong)
- demands that u leave ur family for him/his religion etc etc
- kills ur pets and gives them to u as a stuffed b day pressie.. ewww!!!that is sick!
- insists that u wear matching outfits every every single time u go out
- will never be friends if u ever breakup (its either lovers or nothing)
- hates ur family
- uses ur dog as a foot stool or a foot wipe/rug
- preaches to u like there IS NO TMRW!
- has really bad habits (diggin nose, smelling ur own underarms, wipes mouth on shirt)
- does not appreciate u for who u really are n makes u feel lower that u really are
- makes u pay for all the bills and subsequently his living expenses (a parasite)
- only wants to enjoy the privilegdes of a relationship but does not want any commitment
- more emotional and sensitive than u or your MOM
- does not change his clothes for days! -ewwwwww self inflicted BO
- has a very very low tolerance level
- super clingy clingy thing
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