Thursday, April 14, 2005

Who the HeLL is tHis smAll gurl...

who am i..?this is still the very same question i ask myself till today.. well of course i can just answer u.. "hie i am ee-min/elaine/elaine yeap" but then again.. who am i really? well for me life is about self discovery, finding out who u are,what u like, who u enjoy 2 be with... but have u really asked urself.. who are u deep down inside? well since young.. i must admit i have changed many many groups of friends, trying to suit into various crowds, finding the comfort zone everyone yearns for.. so in answer to the title/question posted.. I am just a small small small gurl in a big big world.. and here's my life's story..

one day as the Lord stared down from the heavens above.. he thought to himself.. "its a perfect creation" He was pleased, as He got about doing his daily stuff.. listening to prayers.. He heard tiny humble voices of a young couple from below "please grant us a lil baby gurl,not too naughy,not too nice" It was then that an inspiring thought came to him.." huh wut's with this couple?? maybe i'll create a lil sumthing to whoop up their lives a bit.." carefully he picked up some clay and started moulding.. hmm its a gurl rite.. so he added some sugar and some spice, but unlike the way the professor made the power puff gurls God thought "hmm maybe not with everything nice.. think i'll add a lil sarcasm, and cynism.. mishieve and naughtyness.... now for the look. lets give her biggie eyes to at least pretend to look innocent when she is not, a rather mid sized nose to sniff ard for pranks and of course a mouth to complete the face" with all His heart and love, He moulded and moulded adding the right ingredients to make a lil gurl every parents desire.. finally He added wings and a halo.. waitaminute.. wut the heck, He made a lil angel.. noooo mistake dy.. knowing that he wud distort the lil clay creation if he removed the wings and halo, He clipped the wings and made the halo invisible.. and only visible to the purest of heart.. Startled as He heard a cry of distress from below..He dropped the lil clay figurine.. "nooooooo" sadly He picked it up tenderly.. it was ruined.. the lil figurine was smaller that it already was, the surface not soo smooth anymore.. He was truly devastated.. and to make up for the mishap, God gave the lil figurine a bigger voice box to make up for the lack of height, a friendlier face, and humour so the lil gurl will be able to take jokes and luffter bout herself.. finally pleased.. He gently held the figuring to his mouth and with all his heart and love he blew life into it.. and He sent her down to earth ... hoping she would bring joy and laughter to this new couple he had blessed and to the ppl whom she will encounter.. in short.. the Lord's baby angel was born...


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